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6 best things to do on Lombok

Home » Indonesia » 6 best things to do on Lombok
Welcome to Lombok, the pristine Indonesian island that captivates travellers with its untouched beauty and cultural richness. Located next to the way more touristy island of Bali, Lombok offers a paradise escape like no other. Its turquoise waters, powder-white beaches, and breathtaking landscapes offer an amazing getaway. In this guide, we’ll unveil the best things to do in Lombok, ensuring that your visit is nothing short of extraordinary.
Home » Indonesia » 6 best things to do on Lombok
Welcome to Lombok, the pristine Indonesian island that captivates travellers with its untouched beauty and cultural richness. Located next to the way more touristy island of Bali, Lombok offers a paradise escape like no other. Its turquoise waters, powder-white beaches, and breathtaking landscapes offer an amazing getaway. In this guide, we’ll unveil the best things to do in Lombok, ensuring that your visit is nothing short of extraordinary.

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How to get to Lombok?

There are three ways to get to Lombok; by fast ferry, slow ferry or plane. Most people come from Bali by plane which only takes about 40 minutes. Both the ferries arrive at different harbours on Lombok, the slow ferry goes to Lembar (takes 4 – 8 hours) and the fast ferry goes to Bangsal harbour (takes 1.5 – 3 hours). But both these ferries leave from Sanur on Bali.

6 best things to do on Lombok

Departures of the slow ferry are random and cannot be found anywhere online. So unless you have time to kill we recommend taking the fast ferry. You can purchase these through the links below, or at the harbour in Sanur.

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Follow the links below for all your accommodation, transport, & activity needs! 

Things to Know Before Going

Lombok is very different to Bali, despite only being a short ferry ride away. It is far less populated and touristy which means there is less in place to accommodate visitors. There are some things you should know before getting there to avoid any hick-ups.

6 best things to do on Lombok

Getting around

There are no grabs/gojeks on Lombok so you will need to get around with shuttle busses, private cars or standard taxis. Do your research before you go to see if any shuttles are available, if not a private car with a group may be the best option. 

6 best things to do on Lombok

We underestimated how long it would take to get across the island. Its not that far in distance but the roads are very hilly and windy so takes a lot longer than you might think. It took around 4.5 hours to get from Bangsal down to Kuta.

6 best things to do on Lombok


There are far less ATMs available than in Bali. Especially outside of the busier cities. Make sure to bring sufficient cash with you to avoid having to trek around the island to find one, like we had to do.

6 best things to do on Lombok

1. Conquer Mount Rinjani

Embark on an epic adventure by hiking Indonesia’s second-highest volcano, Mount Rinjani. This challenging trek takes you through lush rainforests, waterfalls, and arid landscapes. Reach the summit and be rewarded with panoramic views that stretch as far as the eye can see. 

6 best things to do on Lombok

There are a few hiking options you can choose which vary from 2 to 4 days in duration and have slightly different routes. But all of them will include reaching the summit. Bear in mind that this climb is hard. Very hard. But at the same time an unforgettable experience. Keen to know more? Follow the link to read all about what to expect when hiking Mount Rinjani.

6 best things to do on Lombok

2. Visit the Waterfalls

Escape the tropical heat by cooling off in some of the waterfalls. There are an abundance of waterfalls which are primarily located around the base of Mount Rinjani. All these waterfalls you have to hike to get to, but it’s relatively quick and easy. From our time on Lombok, these were our favourites.

6 best things to do on Lombok

Sendang Gile & Tiu Kelep

Located in the village of Senaru in the north of Lombok are the Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep waterfalls. We visited these the day before we did the hike up Mt Rinjani and absolutely loved it. For these there is a park fee of 10,000Rp. The hike to the first of the two waterfalls, Sendang Gile, is great and takes about 20 minutes. The path will take you down into a valley and along the river. 

Lombok waterfalls

To get to the second waterfall, Tiu Kelep, the path is more rigorous and will take about 45 minutes. You’ll also need to walk across the stream so expect to get your shoes wet. This is one of the most popular and breathtaking waterfalls on the island. All up, this took us about a 2.5 hours and even got to enjoy a cold beer at the end overlooking the valley.

6 best things to do on Lombok

Benang Stokel & Benang Kelambu

Benang Stokel & Benang Kelambu are located within a large cluster of other waterfalls, but these were the standouts for us. They’re very central on Lombok in the Teratak village and easily accessible.

When you get there, you’ll need to go to a small building just past the parking area to pay the entrance fee. When we got there they kept telling us that foreigners cannot enter without a local guide, and they were asking for 100,000Rp each. But we talked them out of it and bartered down to 30,000Rp each without a guide. It was very manageable without one so unless you want a personal photographer, I wouldn’t bother.

6 best things to do on Lombok

The Benang Stokel waterfall will be the first of the two that you’ll come across and is about a 15 minute walk from the entrance. This area is quite open and nice to sit and relax but unfortunately it’s not deep enough to swim.

Lombok waterfalls

If you keep following the path you’ll end up at the next waterfall, Benang Kelambu. Now this one is really special. This waterfall uniquely flows out through a carpet of vines on the cliff face. It falls down to some rock pools which you can swim in.

6 best things to do on Lombok
6 best things to do on Lombok

It takes around 1.5 hours to get there from Sengiggi or 1.25 hours from Kuta. So pretty accessible for most and a good half day trip. We’d recommend spending around 2.5-3 hours at these waterfalls.

3. Try out Surfing

Kuta is renowned for its surf breaks, so if you have always wanted to try out surfing or do some classes, then Lombok is the place to be. It is known to be an excellent place for beginners. You’ll find it way less crowded than neighbouring island Bali.

6 best things to do on Lombok

Gerupuk beach is a well-known surf area and home to five different reef breaks. You’ll need to be taken out by boat which costs around 150,000Rp for up to 3 people. The difficulty ranges from beginner to intermediate so have a look and see which one is best for you. Some breaks are better than others at varying times throughout the year so be sure to check out Surf Indonesia for more information.

6 best things to do on Lombok

Tip: Never tried surfing before? Check out Selong Belanak beach. The waves are good for beginners and it has many surfing schools/surfboard rentals.

If you haven’t got your own boards, hiring is cheap and readily available. Kuta has plenty of surf shops/resorts/hostels which have board hire, but keep in mind Gerupuk is about a 20min ride away from Kuta. So we would recommend hiring a scooter with a board rack for transport, or just hire the boards in Gerupuk bay.

6 best things to do on Lombok

4. Ride along Lombok’s Coast

Experience the serenity of Lombok’s coast with a beach hopping day along the south. It is best to have a scooter available to do so, as this gives you flexibility to explore what you want. While there are many beautiful places to visit, we recommend these three for sure:

Tanjung Aan

The ideal beach. White sand, turquoise water and not crowded at all. You’ll mainly see locals here and few Warungs (local restaurants) to have a cheap fried rice and coconut. This beach faces the south-east and is known for spectacular sunrises.

Lombok beaches

Bukit Merese Hill

Located close to Tanjung Aan, this hill is a very popular place in Lombok. It’s a small hilly peninsula rising far above the sea giving you a great panoramic view. Even though it is a popular destination, it didn’t feel crowded at all. The hill is huge and people are spread out everywhere. 

Lombok viewpoints

Tip: Bring some food, have a picnic on the hill and watch the sun go down, it’s a great spot for sunset.

Selong Belanak beach

This beach is about 30 minute drive west from Kuta. It is a beautiful wide white sand beach and a great place to relax. There are several local restaurants along the beach that sell cheap meals and cold drinks. 

This beach is also known to be a perfect place for beginner surfers. There are many places around to rent a surfboard or do some classes. Besides that, this beach has amazing sunsets. We saw one of the best sunsets we’ve ever seen!

6 best things to do on Lombok
6 best things to do on Lombok

5. Discover Culture in Sasak Village

Immerse yourself in the local Sasak culture by visiting the traditional villages of Sade and Ende. The Sasak are the indigenous people of Lombok and the tribe accounts for 85% of the population. Recognisable by the distinct architecture of the traditional houses, these villages offer a sneak peek into the Lombok way of life.

It was ideal to visit in the morning as all the markets were opening up. It is located quite centrally on the Island so it is easy to get to from most places. Just keep in mind that this isn’t a museum or a display for tourists, it is a real village. So be respectful when wandering around and taking photos.

6 best things to do on Lombok

6. Island hop the Gili Islands

No visit to Lombok is complete without a trip to the Gili Islands. It is comprised of three islands – Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air which are tropical havens. Snorkel or dive in the coral reefs or wrecks, relax on the beaches with a cocktail, or experience the lively nightlife.

6 best things to do on Lombok

Getting to Gili is a breeze. The easiest way is to get a public ferry, which run at various stages throughout the day and only cost 10,000Rp. There is no set timings, they just wait until they fill up then leave. It only takes 5-15 minutes. You can go for a day trip but we’d recommend staying a few nights. For information, read everything you need to know about the Gili Islands.

6 best things to do on Lombok

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